Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Where have I been?

Life on the edge has been more than hectic lately. We had our celebration of the certificate of occupancy on August 14 and so I had to finish the floors to get ready for that. Stain, scrub X 6, seal X 2, and wax X 4 - 13 painstaking reworkings of the floor but it looks great.

The next big time consumer was trying to get a mortgage. Lenders just don't understand off-grid life in a passive solar home. My favorite idiotic question was from the underwriter who wanted to know what would happen if the primary heat source were to fail and couldn't understand why nobody would be around to care. (For any mortgage underwriters out there who don't get it... the primary heat source is the sun ergo if the sun fails nobody is going to survive long enough to care.)

I spent the last couple weeks on tour doing workshops for librarians at Johnson County, Kansas (fabulous library system with an extraordinary staff) and participating in the World Science Fiction Convention in Boston.

Soon the washing machine will finish its cycle and I will head out for the canyon edge to use that great big solar and wind powered clothes dryer archaically called a clothesline.

Happy reading,

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I, Robot

I don't watch TV much or go to the movies often so when I was in town on Friday and saw I, Robot on a movie marquee I went to see it having never seen any trailers for it. It bespeaks a new genre of movie. Like Troy it features a beautifully muscled, gorgeous, naked man and so little resemblance to the original written work that it makes the head spin to find that the movie makers claim inspiration from the original work. Boo, hiss. It's fine with me if movie makers want to make shoot 'em ups with lots of male eye candy but they need to quit slandering good books and stories to do it.

Now Reading: Honey, Baby, Sweetheart by Deb Caletti

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Legal at Last

Been an eventful couple of weeks. We finally passed the final inspection on our house so are legal to move in. Of course in the midst of all this I had my gall bladder surgically removed and went off to Salt Lake City where A HEART DIVIDED by Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld was being performed at the Babcock Theater. It was a first class performance of an excellent, well researched, thought provoking play. Before the play I had dinner with Jeff, Cherie, YA author Jennifer Armstrong, YA librarian Patricia Foster, and HS English teachers Roberta Shortridge and Cathie Gonzales. A spectacular evening. I was great fun to stay with Cherie, Jeff, and their delightful bright and energetic son.

As far as what has been happening on the edge -- I put a 50 in 1 high gloss sealer over the countertop mosaics and they look terrific. There is a photo at for the time being.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Watching from the window

Almost the entire south wall of our house is glass. It is made up of twenty-one 4foot wide glass panels, three doors with two windows apiece and the supports that keep it all in place. As I sit here a hummingbird swings by the feeder for a quick sip then peers intently through the window. I wonder if it is the same one who came in a couple of weeks ago. We were running the mixer so the garage door that makes up the west end of the house was open leaving easy access to the house for an intrepid bird. He must have liked it a lot because after I captured him and set him outside the door he went around to the west end and came in again.

The house is working remarkably well. Since June 1 the interior temperature has stayed between 63 and 73 degrees while outdoors it has gone from 43 to 98 degrees. We are completely off-grid; cell phones, satellite internet, and solar panels power the house. In town, folks are running swamp coolers all day to stay cool while here the natural temperature of the earth is keeping us cool.

Since I called this posting watching from the window I should mention the horrible death and destruction I see as the Epps beetle ravages the piñon. A rush of red is cascading across the mesa on the far side of the canyon as the piñons die, interspersing the melange of greens with patches of rust. But still, the beauty of the canyon triumphs and one can watch endlessly as the sun hits the different rock faces on the far side of the canyon revealing a different vision at every angle. All told, even with the Epps beetle, the beauty endures.

Reading now: Shifting Love by Constance O'Day Flannery, Tor's first foray into romance publishing.

Sunday, July 04, 2004


Ok, I'm trying it. I'm blogging. I'm not new to the web. I've had a web site since 1996 where I've reviewed hundreds of books. Genrefluent .
I've also had a couple of different web sites dealing with the earthship we are building out of tires using the designs and techniques created by architect Michael Reynolds.