Friday, March 07, 2008

Is it Spring Yet?

Nice sunshiney day today but unfortunately the arc of the sun is moving higher in the sky. This is the time of the year that I have to start a fire in the mornings as the house doesn't really warm up until later in the day. The floor has started to cool off, too.

Rick was talking to one of the neighbors who has been keeping track of the weather patterns and he said that in previous years all the snow has been melted by March 1. Here it is, the 7th and while we have lots of patches of mud we still have a considerable amount of snow. The snow that had been up to the swing seat out front has dropped and now is only about a foot deep.

Even with the lack of sun penetration into the house it has been performing pretty well. I know if I were in a conventional house and the exterior temp dropped to 4 degrees it wouldn't stay close to 60 in the house without supplemental heat.

The plants are all doing well. One of the spider plants has gotten carried away and started a dozen new plants where its shoots trailed down onto the planter. One of the banana trees died this winter. I don't know why but the other two are thriving. The citrus trees are doing well with one of the orange trees covered in fragrant blossoms. I never thought I would be growing bananas, lemons, and oranges in Colorado at 7,000ft. Ah, life is an adventure.

1 comment:

Melina said...

Pictures of the planter anywhere? We had serious issues with spider mites on our banana trees and had to remove them. But the lime is very very happy- apparently, citrus likes to have its feet wet!

If you get a chance, please email me "off blog," melina at 3676 dot net
