Saturday, August 15, 2009

Critter Report

Summer 2009. We are seeing lizards who are almost as wide as they are long (ok, I'm exaggerating but they are really, really fat), picas are back in limited numbers, rabbits are down, bob cats are bolder. The other morning saw one sitting on top of the chicken's summer house. Saw a coyote as big as a large German shepherd. Wow!

On the domestic scene, Abby and Zoie, our fourteen year old dogs are still hanging in there. They are definitely ancient but still mobile. Zoie can't go for walks anymore so she sticks close to home. We added a new puppy in March, Chaco who is a little dynamo. Actually not so little anymore. Her mom is a Pharaoh hound and dad unknown but was apparently a huge Labrador retriever. The old puppy girls are teaching all she needs to know including to sniff for mountain lions before venturing out.

The chickens are being recalcitrant and not laying eggs right now. We are down to five as one of them was bitten by a scorpion in June. One of the chickens is evil and pecks at eggs, breaking them (when they are producing eggs, that is) and we haven't been able to identify which one it is.

Kat is still Kat. She is a great mouser so whenever one of those varmints does make it into the house she kills it and lays it out in the shower so the mess is easy to clean up. She doesn't like Chaco and still hisses at her.


Andrew said...

Hi,your house looks great, fantastic view. I saw a programme on building houses from tyres last weekend and am really interested in this, I have ordered "Garbage Warrior" My interest is not for myself, I already own a house. I live in South Africa which has a large unemployment rate and shack dwelling population. How difficult would it be to build a 1 or 2 bedroom place using these tyres? The solar panels and water collection could be added later. (There is very little if no money available from these people) I would just like to try help start the process here but need some advice from somebody who has the experience. Can u help?

Andrew said...
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Genrefluent said...

Hi Andrew,
This is a fabulous way to make cheap, sturdy,safe housing. You may also want to check into Michael Reynolds' hut structures. We made one as practice for building the house and it is a good small dwelling. Best of luck.